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An energy storage system that uses batteries as energy storage media. Unlike traditional fossil fuels, battery energy storage systems can store renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy, and release them when needed to balance energy supply and demand.
With the upgrading of new energy power stations and off grid energy storage towards larger capacity and higher system power density, liquid cooling solutions BESS have gradually become mainstream. The customer's focus on ROI and Payback Period has further accelerated the development trend of high charge & discharge rate BESS.
Larger Capacity , Density Power, High Charging and Discharging Rates imply a high risk of thermal runaway, so the demand for energy storage thermal management will also become higher.
Therefore, the heat exchange efficiency of energy storage thermal management also needs to be further improved.
The refrigerant releases the heatabsorbed by the battery cold platethrough the evaporator, and thenuses the power generated by theoperation of the water pump tore-enter the cold plate to absorbthe heat generated by theequipment.
During the operation of the unit,the evaporator (plate heatexchanger) absorbs heat throughrefrigerant evaporation from therefrigerant circulation system, andthe condensation of therefrigerant releases heat into thesurrounding air environment. Thecondensed refrigerant returns tothe evaporator through theexpansion valve and circulatesthe process repeats back andforth.